Wednesday 22 April 2015

Choices, Choices, Choices

Everyday we're making choices.
It starts from the first moment we open our eyes.
Then start making decision of our choices.
Prioritizing those choices.
Next is the follow up or action of what to do with our choices.

Even if all those step is essential on achieving an efficient way of our choices,
some say the most important one is the last one.
Without it we'll be going no where, 
simply staying in one place.

Personally, prioritizing choices is my main challenge.
Many times I want to do it all.
Forgetting there's only one single me.
Unfortunately, technology hasn't reach that time yet.
Enabling us to be in several places at once.

Best Friends, 

Then there's the very fun and ambiguous choices of all.
Yes people, its the heart.
Who will we decide to fall.
Deciding who will we spend the rest of our lives together with.

Not a romantic, 
Maybe too much logic when it comes to the matter of L.O.V.E. 
Neither seem to be the case
Its just automatic

What ever our choices in the end,
Take the responsibility
Face the probability
See it through to the end.

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