Sometimes we want to think to be something special,
The truth actually stretch farther than special.
Sometime we look into someones reflection,
To be looking into our own reflection.
All emotions swirls around with no end
A snatch of life I never wanted to end
Always very special feel inside
A piece I never wanted to leave
Cry that I might
The way you hold tight
You've seen my worse
A side I'm not proud to have
Leaving in less than a month
Best wishes is all can be said
Smile is to be given on the front
Can't shows the fright exist behind
Proud, Happy, Positive a better path you've took,
Sad, Scare, Missing like hell is all it took.
Start to think everything has their own path,
A wish for a proper hug that weren't on our path.
Like longing for the moon to shine,
While the truth only darkness accepts one.
*this is not intended to be a proper English with a correct grammar. A simple words felt best to describe the moment.